Monday, September 3, 2012

Excited about new possibilities for WikiDpad

Wikidpad is a program that creates a notepad that has all of the wiki features. It creates the potential to be the best notebook ever. Whereas all other attempts at creating a journal in my life have failed, I think wikidpad will succeed because it fits into my sort of 'crazy'. What many can't know about my note taking life is that it is rather spurious and random. I carry around a little black pocketbook that I use to record my brainstorms and thoughts. If you've ever talked to me in a coffee shop you may have been slightly annoyed or curious as I whip out my little notebook and jot some thought down for later use. Even my blog contains 11/32 posts that are unpublished half written drafts which serve to remind me of lost insane or ingenious thoughts.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Most important Nutrition Documentary yet.

While most people saw the documentary Super Size Me as an expose of the fast food industry, comedian and former health writer Tom Naughton saw it as a dare: He'd show that you could lose weight on a diet of burgers and fries.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Preliminary post on guidewog weight loss program:
Start: 314 pounds, 51 inch waist, January 12th, 2010
Current: 265 pounds, 44 inch waist May 8th, 2010
Loss: 49 pounds, 7 inches. 117 days

The diet is achieving results. Results seem to be motivated most of all by the success of self-esteem exercises and goal setting. The ketogenic process that is most effective at burning fat is hard to generate, and requires great will power. Dieters often report feeling feint and tired during the induction phase of the diet. They also ingest more proper food. This could be why goal setting seems to have a positive effect, creating cognitive dissonance when the dieter goes off the strict diet. It's interesting to note that other studies have shown this affect, including that dieters often settle into a low-carbohydrate diet, their change in weight stabalizes and then they go off diet. This means that would-be dieters would do well to remember that psychology plays a very important role in accomplishing goals.

Also it may interest some to know that the two best resources to follow this weight loss and maintenance program are:
Buy the book, or find the pdf
Find a gym or follow the blog.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

An argument against the probability that this theory of Gods intention to carry men on in an intellectual and moral progress, will be executed in relation to alt mankind, has been drawn from the fact that many appear to have chosen, in this world, a path opposite to "this bright one towards perfection ;" and it is said to be reasonable to suppose that they will always continue in that opposite course. Answer-There is, in every rational being, a moral sense, or reverence for right. This seminal principle of an exalted character never, in this world, becomes extinct; it survives through vice, degradation and crime: it sometimes seems almost to have been conquered, but it never dies ; and often, even in this world, like a phenix from her ashes, it lifts itself from the degradation of sensual pollution under which it was buried, and assumes a beauty and a power before unknown. How many, whose virtuous principles had been apparently subdued by temptation, appetite and passion, have suddenly risen with an energy worthy an immortal spirit, shaken off the influences that were degrading them, resisted and overcome the power that was prostrating them, become more resolutely virtuous than ever, and had their determination made strong by a recurrence to the scenes they had passed. This has happened in multitudes of instances in this world.
-Lysander Spooner

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Money isn't evil, just misused.


A good book that I recommend is "Your money or your life" by
Joe Dominguez, Vicki Robin, and Monique Tilford

This book will help you analyze the real reason your living your life. Which is not to monetize your precious time to spend on gadgets and cheap thrills, but to use your precious life energy to accomplish goals and be with friends and family. Using a simple to follow analytical approach you'll master your spending habits without giving up material satisfaction. In fact you'll have more satisfaction as you will eventually free your life up to satisfy social and spiritual goals while maintaining your material needs.

You can buy this book at and I recommend saving money on any number of other books you can get from the same booksellers, to lower the shipping rate which will be about $4.75.

As an example of the exercises in the book I will share with you shortened versions of two lists that I generated using the books advice. One for things to not spend money on, one to spend money on.

Things I will try not to spend money on (Fails all tests)

Auto Fees - The government gets a big chunk each year from your paycheck. Then they take a big chunk out of your car budget. Anyway that you can reduce insurance and government fees is going to get more money flowing in the right directions.

Vehicle loan interest - I bought my car new, with mixed results. I took a big hit just driving off the lot, but I can't say I would buy used, the only problem is I had to take out a loan. Any type of loan is not an investment, at most it is a necessity, but never an investment. The ones making the money are the banks so don't give them a penny more then you need to.

Gas - Where I live the highway system is the only way to get around. I drive everyday through endless sprawl, but there are ways to cut down. You can take on a coworker for a carpool, and always suggest that your friends take one car when going out with them, or otherwise cut down on gas consumption.

Work - You go to work to transform your limited time resources and turn them into money which can be spent on other important things. You don't go there to eat expensive food, buy equipment that isn't really necessary for your job, or otherwise compromise your earning potential. Chapter one is determining your real wage. Your wage minus gas, travel time, work clothing, etc. You'll find you don't get paid much more than minimum wage in most cases.

Killing Self a.k.a. Cigarettes - I used to smoke, it's a habit that I take up once every few years then quit cold turkey. I am pretty committed to not smoking anymore, but I am not about to promise anything I can't deliver. When I used the reflective portion of the book to analyze my habit I quickly realized it failed all of the criteria. I didn't enjoy it, It wasn't helping me achieve my goals, and it was becoming obvious I didn't want to do it anymore especially after I stop working.

Business Webpage - At one point I was going to start an Online store with a buddy, however poor business planning meant that I was losing $27 every three months or so for webhosting, but I wasn't getting the benefit of a website! This shows the importance of keeping track of the automatic billing leading into your accounts. Have some way to keep track and cancel immediately when your not using it.

Money Hole - This is what I call my wallet which seems to have a perpetual hole in it. I know there are a lot of reasons to spend cash, but it's hard to keep track of. I learned that it's worth swiping to get the benefit of the electronic accounting. I always use my debit card, because it makes accounting errors non-existent.

Bank Service charges - Yes I have lots of money coming in, but I wanted to earn interest on that cash and screwed up my checking account a few times a year. Now I try to avoid this by always keeping a cushion of cash. $1.62 per month in interest isn't worth $70 in fees a year!

What I do want to spend my money on! (passes all tests.)

Repaying loans - I only have one loan but for the life of that loan it will be robbing my savings of investment growth.

Brewing - I am an amateur brewer not only is it a fun craft to perfect, but it also saves me money on beer. This hobby saves money, is cheap, and fits in with my goals. It's also probably something I will continue to do when I stop working.

Books - Reading is cheap and increases knowledge and processing power. When I am not with friends I am reading.

Fitness - This category goes without saying, fulfilling, helps satisfy goals, and is something that I will be doing after I stop working.

Gifts - Small thoughtful gifts can make friendships last, and prosper for years to come. They help the people you love remember you while your not there.

Charity - Yes being selfish can help others, the fulfillment and status you get from volunteering and donating a little cash can be some of the best. Once you reach financial independence it might even become your job.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I have been trying to stop swearing

I have been trying to stop swearing, specifically around women. More then once has a woman seemed turned off by my four letter words. I know some women will get all upset, that I would not want to swear in front of women specifically, but I have never had women come up to me and say, "I just wish you would swear more." Although I have had similar dreams. My tactic, replace phrases with better, poetic ones. Instead of saying f-you, I'll say, "You should have been run over by a bus a long time ago."

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Greed and Central planning

The Epic 1979 Donahue interview with Milton Friedman, an important political debate to watch. The subject? free-market vs. the state.